I’m horrible at starting projects, then abandoning them in favour of a new one. My husband knows this all too well, and knows that one sure way of making sure that I finish it is to tell me that I’ll never finish it – so I do, just to prove him wrong.

18 months ago I started a massive latch hook. I did a small section – then promptly got caught up doing something else. After finishing my other two latch hooks, I’ve been making some solid progress on this latch hook. Glenn naturally thinks that I’ll get distracted very soon, and so we have set a challenge.

I’ve been given 6 months to finish this – so, the beginning of August. This seems like a decent amount of time, but I get distracted, have a number of other projects going on – and of course, there’s the small matter that this latch hook is as big as me.

Yeah. The finished size is 30″ by 50″.

I’ve been making decent progress, though, and have been texting daily updates to a friend who has promised to shame me if I don’t do enough!

I love the design of this, and it’ll be worth it in the end. When I finally get there!

I’ve also found a new cross stitch project – it’s a “Once Upon A Time” sampler that is released monthly. I’m coming into it a bit late – February just got released, but it’s was so adorable that I couldn’t pass it up!

I’ve ordered my fabric and the threads – they’re coming from the US and Canada respectively, so I suspect it’ll be another month or so before I can really get started. Gives me more time to work on other projects, at least!

Each month is a secret until it’s released, so I’m looking forward to seeing what other fairy tales are featured.

If anyone else is interested (all their designs are adorable – I’m eyeing up a couple others as well) they can be found at the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery.

6 Comments on Challenge accepted…

  1. Oh wow, your latch hook looks gorgeous! Keep up the good work! I usually have several projects on the go too! I do try to set realistic monthly goals though so I am always getting a step closer to finishing something! The fairytale sampler is gorgeous and very quick to stitch…you will easily catch up in no time! Good luck!

    • Thank you! I think I may try and set some monthly goals for my WIPs, just so that they’re both manageable and also so that I ensure I’m making progress on them! Even if it’s not a finish, getting to a certain point on them.

      I can’t wait to get started on the sampler – got an email today saying my threads were shipped, and my card has been charged for the fabric so I’m sure that’s on the way too. I have my fingers crossed that the postal gods are nice to me and they don’t take as long as the stuff I ordered before Christmas did…

  2. wow, that latch hook is huge and complicated! It’ll be great when it’s done. I bought the sampler too! Couldn’t resist… I’m going to stitch it from stash though. How come you had to buy the threads ad fabric abroad?

    • It really is huge! I’ve been making steady progress on it the last few days though – I’ve been watching TV shows and getting into a crafting grove.

      I probably could’ve done the threads from my stash, but I don’t actually have much fabric! Funnily enough, the site I found for the threads did a pack which, including shipping, worked out cheaper than if I bought the threads here, and I wanted to stitch on the hand dyed linen they did it. I saw a similar one from another store in Australia that I buy from, but it wasn’t the right size in the count I wanted. I’m glad there’s a few of us doing the sampler, it’ll be great to see everyone stitching it.

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